2016 - 南京工业大学,先进化学制造研究院,教授 2015-2016 厦门铁布材料科技有限公司,研发工程师 2014-2015 厦门大学,博士 2012-2014 佐治亚理工学院,联合培养博士 2009-2012 厦门大学,硕博连读 2005-2009 厦门大学,学士
1. 不同形貌纳米结构的合成,包括空心纳米球、纳米线、纳米管、纳米片等; 2. 有机-无机杂化的纳米复合材料的制备及其应用,如催化、热电材料、光电材料、能量转换等; 3. 纳米粒子与聚合物的可控自组装。
徐晖教授在Science Advances、Angewandte Chemie International Edition、Macromolecules、Macromolecular Rapid Communications、Mater. Chem. Front.、J. Colloid Interface Sci.、Appl. Surf. Sci.等国际期刊上发表了一系列高质量文章。其中,在Science Advances发表的关于“纳米项链”的文章被Science、Nanotoday等杂志高度点评,ScienceShot新闻专栏撰写评论,以及国内外期刊和网站引用和评述。
(1) Chen, X.; Zhang, L.; Xu, B.; Chen, T.; Hu, L.; Yao, W.; Zhou, M.; Xu, H.* Hairy silica nanospheres supported metal nanoparticles for reductive degradation of dye pollutants. Nanoscale Advances 2021. DOI: 10.1039/D1NA00020A.
(2) Sang, Y.; Chen, X.; Zhang, L.; Li, D.; Xu, H.* Electrospun polymeric nanofiber decorated with sea urchin-like gold nanoparticles as an efficient and stable SERS platform. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2021, 590, 125-133.
(3) Zhao, C.; Wang, X.; Chen, X.; Liu, Y.; Xie, Y.; Xu, H.* Covalent interactions between carbon nanotubes and P3HT by thiol–ene click chemistry towards improved thermoelectric performance. Mater. Chem. Front. 2020, 4, 1174-1181.
(4) Xu, H.*; Zhao, C.; Zhai, M.: CHAPTER 3 Synthesis of Organic Thermoelectric Materials. In Organic Thermoelectric Materials; The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020; pp 65-116.
(5) Xu, H.; Sang, Y.; Xu, B.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, L.; Xu, H.* Immobilization of Gold Nanoparticles on Poly(4-vinylpyridine)-Grafted Carbon Nanotubes as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Hydrogenation of 4-Nitrophenol. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2020, 3, 12169-12177.
(6) Wang, X.; Zhao, C.; Li, Y.; Lin, Z.; Xu, H.* A Facile and Highly Efficient Route to Amphiphilic Star-Like Rod-Coil Block Copolymer via a Combination of Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization with Thiol–Ene Click Chemistry. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2020, 41, 1900540. 
(7) Huang, J.; Su, L.; Hang, Y.; Shi, B.; Wang, X.; Xu, H.* Water-Soluble Fluorescent Nanobowls Constructed by Multiple Supramolecular Assembly. Macromolecules 2020, 53, 10613-10622.
(8) Zhang, L.; Zhou, J.; Ma, F.; Wang, Q.; Xu, H.*; Ju, H.; Lei, J. Single-Sided Competitive Axial Coordination of G-Quadruplex/Hemin as Molecular Switch for Imaging Intracellular Nitric Oxide. Chemistry – A European Journal 2019, 25, 490-494.
(9) Zhai, M.; Chen, Q.; Yuan, W.; Shi, Q.; Xu, H.* Directional self-assembly of gold nanorods into 1D and 2D arrays by quadruple hydrogen bonding. Mater. Chem. Front. 2019, 3, 1888-1891.
(10) Li, Y.; Zhai, M.; Xu, H.* Controllable synthesis of sea urchin-like gold nanoparticles and their optical characteristics. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2019, 498, 143864.
(11) Xu, H.; Xu, Y.; Pang, X.; He, Y.; Jung, J.; Xia, H.; Lin, Z. A general route to nanocrystal kebabs periodically assembled on stretched flexible polymer shish. Sci. Adv. 2015, 1, e1500025.
(12) Xu, H.; Pang, X.; He, Y.; He, M.; Jung, J.; Xia, H.; Lin, Z. An Unconventional Route to Monodisperse and Intimately Contacted Semiconducting Organic–Inorganic Nanocomposites. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 4636-4640.
(13) Xu, H.; Huang, Z.-A.; Guo, X.; Yang, Y.; Hua, Y.; Cao, Z.; Li, S.; Xia, H. Sequential Construction Strategy for Rational Design of Luminescent Iridacycles. Organometallics 2015, 34, 4229-4237.
(14) Pang, X.; Feng, C.; Xu, H.; Han, W.; Xin, X.; Xia, H.; Qiu, F.; Lin, Z. Unimolecular micelles composed of inner coil-like blocks and outer rod-like blocks crafted by combination of living polymerization with click chemistry. Polym. Chem. 2014, 5, 2747-2755. (15) Iocozzia, J.; Xu, H.; Pang, X.; Xia, H.; Bunning, T.; White, T.; Lin, Z. Star-like polymer click-functionalized with small capping molecules: an initial investigation into properties and improving solubility in liquid crystals. RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 50212-50219. (16) Lin, Y.; Xu, H.; Gong, L.; Wen, T. B.; He, X.-M.; Xia, H. C−H Bond Activation and Subsequent C(sp2)−C(sp3) Bond Formation: Coupling of Bromomethyl and Triphenylphosphine in an Iridium Complex. Organometallics 2010, 29, 2904-2910. (17) Lin, Y.; Gong, L.; Xu, H.; He, X.; Wen, T. B.; Xia, H. Nine-Membered Osmacycles Derived from Metathesis Reactions between Alkynes and an Osmafuran. Organometallics 2009, 28, 1524-1533. |