个人简历 1998.09-2002.06 苏州大学,化学化工学院,学士 2002.09-2005.06 苏州大学,化学化工学院,硕士(导师:纪顺俊教授) 2005.07-2007.10 南洋理工大学,化学与生物化学系,硕士(导师:Teck-Peng Loh 教授) 2007.11-2010.07 南洋理工大学,化学与生物化学系,研究助理 2010.09-2015.07 慕尼黑大学,化学系,博士(导师:Paul Knochel教授) 2015.07-2015.09 慕尼黑大学,化学系,博士后研究员 2015.11- 2016 南洋理工大学,化学与生物化学系,博士后研究员 2016年至今 南京工业大学,美高梅mgm1888公司官网以及先进化学制造研究院,教授
课题组网页 https://www.x-mol.com/groups/shen_zhiliang
研究方向 金属有机化学、绿色有机合成、含氟杂环化合物的合成、过渡金属催化的交叉偶联反应等

学术成绩 沈志良,教授,江苏宜兴人,中共党员。主要从事金属有机试剂(特别是有机铟金属试剂)的制备及应用、绿色有机化学反应的开发、含氟杂环化合物的合成、过渡金属催化的交叉偶联反应、以及生物信息素的开发等方面的研究。迄今为止共发表论文100余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Chemical Reviews, Chemical Society Reviews, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Chem, ACS Catalysis, Green Chemistry, Chemical Communications, Organic Letters, Chemistry—A European Journal, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, Organic Chemistry Frontiers, Journal of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Chemical Letters, Tetrahedron Letters等SCI期刊上发表论文90余篇。被引用2700余次,3篇论文引用超过100次,H因子31。研究工作受到了国内外同行的广泛关注和点评:五篇论文曾入选ESI高被引论文,一篇论文曾入选ESI热点论文,两篇论文以封面(frontispiece和back cover)形式发表,两篇论文被选为Very Important Publication(VIP),一篇论文被主编选为ACS Editors' Choice,三篇论文被主编选为热点论文,多篇论文被Synfacts、ChemViews、Noteworthy Chemistry (ACS)、Organic Chemistry Portal、X-MOL、CBG资讯平台等作为亮点进行报道和评述。已申请专利25项,目前获授权专利12项。
所获奖励及荣誉 2006年江苏省优秀硕士学位论文 2010年中国石油和化学工业协会科技进步二等奖(“功能性有机分子的合成、性质及应用研究”;排名:4/8) 2014年国家优秀自费留学生奖学金 2018-2019年度南京工业大学“教书育人”竞赛先进个人 2019年联合国“国际化学元素周期表年”49号金属元素铟的代言人(中国化学会) 2021年度南京工业大学综合治理和安全生产先进个人 2022年德国Thieme出版社颁发的Thieme Chemistry Journals Award国际学术奖 2022年度南京工业大学“优秀班主任”称号 课程与教学
1. 《有机化学C》, 本科生,48学时。 2. 《实验室安全与教育》,本科生,16学时。 3. 《有机化学实验B》, 本科生,64学时 4. 《高等有机化学2》,《高等有机合成》(全英文),研究生,32学时 5. 《信息检索》,研究生,40学时 (承担其中的16学时) 6. 《学科科技英语写作》,研究生,40学时 (承担其中的20学时) 所指导学生获奖及毕业后继续深造等情况
1. 研究生国家奖学金: 2018年:员金金;2019年:程步清;2020年:宋轩笛;2021年:张斯旋; 2022年:孙莉雯,李文欣,郭檬檬,于子伦,马娜娜,陈玉兰; 2. 校级优秀硕士学位论文: 2019年:员金金、陈炳志;2020年:谢婷;2021年:宋轩笛;2022年:崔艳影; 2023年:孙莉雯,郭檬檬,于子伦; 3. 硕士研究生毕业后继续深造情况: 2016级:陈炳志,中科院大连化学物理研究所;刘轩宇,天津大学。 2017级:程步清,厦门大学;蔡松州,上海交通大学;谢婷,英国布里斯托大学。 2020级:于子伦,中科院大连化学物理研究所; 已授权专利
1.一种杂芳基鏻盐与末端炔烃的Sonogashira偶联方法;ZL202210398692.4;沈志良,褚雪强,陈玉兰,张斯旋。 2.一种芳基硫盐与芳基溴的直接交叉偶联方法;ZL202210179460.X;沈志良,马娜娜,吴渊率。 3.一种α-烯基-α,α-二氟芳基酮类化合物的制备方法及产物;ZL202210071125.8;沈志良,褚雪强,郭檬檬。 4.一种二芳基亚砜与芳基溴化物的直接交叉偶联反应方法;ZL202210443124.1 (CN114685251B);沈志良,褚雪强,李文欣,杨博文。 5.一种γ,γ-二芳基酯或γ,γ,γ-三芳基酯化合物的制备方法及其产物;ZL202110752558.5 (CN113387799A);沈志良,褚雪强,张斯旋。 6.一种镍催化的杂环鏻盐与芳基溴的直接还原交叉偶联方法及产物;ZL202110827240.9 (CN113387876A);沈志良,褚雪强,崔艳影。 7.一种镍催化铁介导的炔烃氟代烷基化合成(Z)-烯烃的方法及产物;ZL202110827235.8 (CN113548968A);沈志良,褚雪强,王雅文,李祥瑞。 8.一种联芳基类化合物及其制备方法与应用;ZL202110669586.0 (CN113402350A);沈志良,褚雪强,张斯旋,张晨。 9.一种非对映选择性的多取代环烷基化合物及其制备方法;ZL202110597557.8 (CN113336786A);沈志良,褚雪强,崔艳影,宋轩笛。 10.一种多氟烷基取代苯并呋喃类化合物及其制备方法;ZL201910387303.6 (CN110003187B);褚雪强,沈志良,谢婷。 11.一种4-全氟烷基取代嘧啶化合物及其制备方法与应用;ZL202110285699.0 (CN113024470A);褚雪强,沈志良,孙莉雯。 12.一种2-氟烷基-3-炔基取代萘并呋喃化合物及其制备方法;ZL202010772271.4 (CN111777582A);褚雪强,沈志良,葛丹华,支蔓玲。 已申请专利:
1.一种芳基硫醚与芳基溴的直接交叉偶联方法;沈志良、褚雪强、胡轩搏、马娜娜、翟立新。 2.一种芳基磷酸酯与芳基溴的直接交叉偶联方法;沈志良、徐浩、任静奥。 3.一种芳基氟硫酸盐与芳基溴的直接交叉偶联方法;徐浩、沈志良、桂超、那金赫。 4.一种芳基氟与芳基溴的直接交叉偶联方法;徐浩、沈志良、陈雪、任静奥。 5.一种三嗪酯与芳基溴化物的直接交叉偶联方法;沈志良、褚雪强、覃干棋、柳翔。 6.一种芳基砜或杂芳基砜与芳基溴化物的亲电交叉偶联反应方法;沈志良、褚雪强、霍波洁、李文欣。 7.一种氟烷基取代呋喃类化合物及其制备方法;ZL201910797244.X (CN110357842A);褚雪强,沈志良,蔡松州。 8.一种氟烷基取代呋喃基单膦氧化合物及其制备方法;ZL202010461540.5 (CN111560038A);褚雪强,沈志良,蔡松州。 9.一种氟烷基取代呋喃基双膦氧化合物及其制备方法;ZL202010461262.3 (CN111574564A);褚雪强,沈志良,蔡松州。 10.一种多氟烯基取代的恶唑化合物及其制备方法;ZL202010666373.8 (CN111747904A);褚雪强,沈志良,葛丹华,赵世文。 11.一种三氟甲基取代嘧啶并[1,3]二氮杂䓬化合物及其制备方法;ZL202011105476.3 (CN112159411A);褚雪强,沈志良,王雅文,谢婷 12.一种偕二氟烯烃化合物的制备方法;ZL202111497997.2 (CN114409515A);褚雪强,沈志良,孙莉雯 13.一种硝基取代吲哚类化合物及其制备方法;ZL201911065714.X (CN110713454A);褚雪强,葛丹华,沈志良。 已发表论文
108. Nickel-catalyzed cross-electrophile coupling of triazine esters with aryl bromides Xiang Liu, Cai-Yu He, Hao-Nan Yin, Chengping Miao, Xue-Qiang Chu, Weidong Rao, Hao Xu,* Xiaocong Zhou,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2023, doi: DOI: 10.1002/cjoc.202300399. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 107. “On-Water” Defluorophosphorylation of Trifluoromethylated Enones with Phosphine Oxides Xue-Qiang Chu,* Li-Wen Sun, Cheng Ma, Jia-Wei Chen, Yu-Lan Chen, Shao-Fei Ni,* Ming-Quan Zhu, Jie Zhou,* Mengtao Ma, and Zhi-Liang Shen* Green Chemistry 2023, doi: 10.1039/D3GC01565C. (2022影响因子: 9.8) 106. Nickel-catalyzed direct cross-coupling of unactivated aryl fluorides with aryl bromides Jing-Ao Ren, Jin-He Na, Chao Gui, Chengping Miao, Xue-Qiang Chu, Mengtao Ma, Hao Xu,* Xiaocong Zhou,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Organic Letters 2023, 25, 5525–5529 (2022影响因子: 5.2) 105. Nickel-catalyzed cross-electrophile coupling of aryl phosphates with aryl bromides Jing-Ao Ren, Xue Chen, Chao Gui, Chengping Miao, Xue-Qiang Chu, Hao Xu,* Xiaocong Zhou,* Mengtao Ma, and Zhi-Liang Shen* Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2023, 365, 2511-2515. (VIP paper;2022影响因子: 5.4) 104. Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Asymmetric Defluorinative Reactions Danhua Ge,* Jia-Wei Chen,# Yu-Lan Chen,# Mengtao Ma, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Xue-Qiang Chu* (# Equal contribution) Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2023, 10, 3909-3928 (2023 Organic Chemistry Frontiers HOT articles). (2022影响因子: 5.4) 103. Na2S‧9H2O Enabled Defluorodisulfuration and Hydrodefluorination of Perfluorobutyl Tetralones: Synthesis of Trifluoromethyl 1,2-Dithioles Zi-Lun Yu, Man-Hang Feng, Peng-Yuan Zhang, Hao Xu, Danhua Ge, Mengtao Ma, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Xue-Qiang Chu* Organic Letters 2023, 25, 4388-4393. (2022影响因子: 5.2) 102.Li-Wen Sun, Ya-Fei Hu, Wen-Jun Ji, Peng-Yuan Zhang, Mengtao Ma, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Xue-Qiang Chu* Organic Letters 2023, 25, 3745–3749. (2022影响因子: 5.2) 101. Aerobic Coupling of Organophosphonium Salts with Alkenes: Catalyst-Free C(sp3)-C(sp2) Bond Formation Meng-Meng Guo, Gan-Qi Qin, Xin-Yu Jiang, Hao Xu,* Mengtao Ma, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Xue-Qiang Chu* Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2023, 365, 1871-1876. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 100. Nickel-catalyzed direct cross-coupling of aryl fluorosulfates with aryl bromides Jin-He Na, Xiang Liu, Jia-Wen Jing, Jing Wang, Xue-Qiang Chu, Weidong Rao, Hao Xu,* Xiaocong Zhou,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Organic Letters 2023, 25, 2318−2322. (2022影响因子: 5.2) 99. Nickel-catalyzed direct cross-coupling of aryl thioether with aryl bromide Na-Na Ma, Xuan-Bo Hu, Yuan-Shuai Wu, Ya-Wen Zheng, Mengtao Ma, Xue-Qiang Chu, Hao Xu,* Haiqing Luo,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Organic Letters 2023, 25, 1771–1775. (2022影响因子: 5.2) 98. Defluorophosphorylation of Fluoroalkyl Peroxides for the Synthesis of Highly Substituted Furans Xue-Qiang Chu,* Song-Zhou Cai, Jia-Wei Chen, Zi-Lun Yu, Mengtao Ma, Patrick J. Walsh,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Green Chemistry 2023, 25, 2000-2010. (2022影响因子: 9.8) 97. Dual Role of (NH4)2CO3 Enables Defluorinative Synthesis of β-Fluoroalkylated Aminovinyl Ketones Yu-Lan Chen, Wei Han, Man-Hang Feng, Peng-Yuan Zhang, Mengtao Ma, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Xue-Qiang Chu* Organic Letters 2022, 24, 9086-9091. (2022影响因子: 5.2) 96. Nickel-catalyzed direct cross-coupling of diaryl sulfoxide with aryl bromide Wen-Xin Li, Bo-Wen Yang, Xuan Ying, Zhuo-Wen Zhang, Xue-Qiang Chu,* Xiaocong Zhou,* Mengtao Ma, and Zhi-Liang Shen* The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2022, 87, 11899-11908. (2022影响因子: 3.6) 95. Four-Component Defluorinative Reaction of Allylic Fluorides, Amidines, and Cs2CO3 under Transition-Metal-Free Conditions Yu-Lan Chen, Li-Wen Sun, Jia-Wei Chen, Ming-Quan Zhu, Mengtao Ma, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Xue-Qiang Chu* Green Chemistry 2022, 24, 6816-6822. (2022影响因子: 9.8) 94. DMSO-Promoted Difluoroalkylation of Organophosphonium Salts with Difluoroenol Silyl Ethers Zi-Lun Yu,# Jia-Wei Chen,# Yu-Lan Chen, Ren-Jun Zheng, Mengtao Ma, Jian-Ping Chen,* Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Xue-Qiang Chu* (# Equal contribution) Organic Letters 2022, 24, 5557–5561. (2022影响因子: 5.2) 93. Difluorinated Silyl Enol Ethers as Fluorine-Containing Building Blocks for the Synthesis of Organofluorine Compounds Meng-Meng Guo,# Zi-Lun Yu,# Yu-Lan Chen, Danhua Ge,* Mengtao Ma, Zhi-Liang Shen, and Xue-Qiang Chu* (# Equal contribution) Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry 2022, 42, 3562-3587. (2022影响因子: 1.9) 92. Palladium-Catalyzed Sonogashira Coupling of a Heterocyclic Phosphonium Salt with a Terminal Alkyne Qing-Dong Wang,* Si-Xuan Zhang, Zhuo-Wen Zhang, Ying Wang, Mengtao Ma, Xue-Qiang Chu,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Organic Letters 2022, 24, 4919–4924. (2022影响因子: 5.2) 91. Iron(III)-catalyzed difluoroalkylation of aryl alkynes with difluoroenol silyl ether in the presence of trimethylsilyl chloride Meng-Meng Guo,# Xuan-Di Song,# Xiang Liu, Ya-Wen Zheng, Xue-Qiang Chu,* Weidong Rao, and Zhi-Liang Shen* (# Equal contribution) Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2022, 364, 2454-2460. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 90. Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling of alkylindium reagent with diaryliodonium salt Wen-Xin Li, Bo-Wen Yang, Jin-He Na, Weidong Rao, Xue-Qiang Chu,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Tetrahedron Letters 2022, 95, 153729. (2022影响因子: 1.8) 89. HP(O)Ph2/H2O-Promoted Hydrodefluorination of Trifluoromethyl Alkenes Xue-Qiang Chu,* Li-Wen Sun, Yu-Lan Chen, Jia-Wei Chen, Xuan Ying, Mengtao Ma, Zhi-Liang Shen* Green Chemistry 2022, 24, 2777-2782 (2022 Green Chemistry Hot Articles). (2022影响因子: 9.8) 88. Regioselective synthesis of 6-nitroindole derivatives from enaminones and nitroaromatic compounds via transition metal-free C–C and C–N bond formation Danhua Ge,* Li-Wen Sun, Zi-Lun Yu, Xin-Long Luo, Pei Xu,* and Zhi-Liang Shen Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2022, 20, 1493-1499. (2022影响因子: 3.2) 87. Nickel-catalyzed direct cross-coupling of aryl sulfonium salt with aryl bromide Na-Na Ma, Jing-Ao Ren, Xiang Liu, Xue-Qiang Chu, Weidong Rao, Zhi-Liang Shen* Organic Letters 2022, 24, 1953–1957 (highlighted by Synfacts 2022, 18, 0525). (ESI高被引论文) (2022影响因子: 5.2) 86. Cobalt-catalyzed cross-coupling of nitrogen-containing heterocyclic phosphonium salts with arylmagnesium reagents Yan-Ying Cui, Jin-He Na, Meng-Meng Guo, Jie-Ying Huang, Xue-Qiang Chu,* Weidong Rao, and Zhi-Liang Shen* Tetrahedron Letters 2022, 92, 153662. (2022影响因子: 1.8) 85. Transition-Metal-Free Hydroamination/Defluorination/Cyclization of Perfluoroalkyl Alkynes with Amidines Li-Wen Sun, Zi-Lun Yu, Xin-Long Luo, Mengtao Ma, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Xue-Qiang Chu* Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2022, 9, 109–116. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 84. Iron(0)-Mediated Henry-Type Reaction of Bromonitromethane with Aldehydes for the Efficient Synthesis of 2-Nitro-alkan-1-ols Si-Xuan Zhang, Xiang-Rui Li, Wen-Xin Li, Weidong Rao, Danhua Ge*, Zhi-Liang Shen, Xue-Qiang Chu* Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry 2022, 42, 235-241. (2022影响因子: 1.9) 83. Three-Component Bisannulation for the Synthesis of Trifluoromethylated Tetracyclic Aza-Aromatics through Six C(sp3)–F Bond Cleavage and Four C–N Bond Formation Qing-Dong Wang,* Ya-Wen Wang, Ting Xie, Yan-Ying Cui, Mengtao Ma, Zhi-Liang Shen, and Xue-Qiang Chu* The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2021, 86, 8236-8247. (2022影响因子: 3.6) 82. Defluorinative Phosphorylation of Perfluoroalkyl Ketones: Synthesis of Fluoroalkylated and Phosphorylated Furan Derivatives Qing-Dong Wang,* Chen Zhang, Li-Wen Sun, Xin-Long Luo, Weidong Rao, Zhi-Liang Shen, and Xue-Qiang Chu* Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2021, 8, 1503–1509. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 81. Nickel-catalyzed direct cross-coupling of heterocyclic phosphonium salts with aryl bromide Yan-Ying Cui, Wen-Xin Li, Na-Na Ma, Chuanji Shen, Xiaocong Zhou,* Xue-Qiang Chu, Weidong Rao, and Zhi-Liang Shen* Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2021, 8, 6931-6936. (2022 影响因子: 5.4) 80. Titanium(IV)-Mediated Ring-Opening/Dehydroxylative Cross-Coupling of Diaryl-Substituted Methanols with Cyclopropanol Derivatives Si-Xuan Zhang, Yan Ding, Jun-Jie Wang, Chuanji Shen, Xiaocong Zhou,* Xue-Qiang Chu, Mengtao Ma, and Zhi-Liang Shen* The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2021, 86, 15753-15760. (2022影响因子: 3.6) 79. Stereoselective Synthesis of Fluoroalkylated (Z)-Alkene via Nickel-Catalyzed and Iron-Mediated Hydrofluoroalkylation of Alkynes Xiang-Rui Li, Wen-Xin Li, Zhuo-Wen Zhang, Chuanji Shen, Xiaocong Zhou,* Xue-Qiang Chu, Weidong Rao, and Zhi-Liang Shen* Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2021, 8, 6377–6383. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 78. Desulfonylation via Radical Process: Recent Developments in Organic Synthesis Xue-Qiang Chu,* Danhua Ge, Yan-Ying Cui, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Chao-Jun Li* Chemical Reviews 2021, 121, 12548-12680 (ESI热点论文、ESI高被引论文). (2022影响因子: 62.1) 77. Nickel-Catalyzed Diastereoselective Reductive Cross-Coupling of Disubstituted Cycloalkyl Iodides with Aryl Iodides Xuan-Di Song, Meng-Meng Guo, Shuang Xu, Chuanji Shen, Xiaocong Zhou,* Xue-Qiang Chu, Mengtao Ma, Zhi-Liang Shen* Organic Letters 2021, 23, 5118-5122. (2022影响因子: 5.2) 76. Palladium-catalyzed direct reductive cross-coupling of aryltrimethylammonium salts with aryl bromides Chen Zhang, Na-Na Ma, Zi-Lun Yu, Chuanji Shen, Xiaocong Zhou,* Xue-Qiang Chu, Weidong Rao, and Zhi-Liang Shen* Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2021, 8, 4865-4870. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 75. Three-Component Heteroannulation for Tetrasubstituted Furan Construction Enabled by Successive Defluorination and Dual Sulfonylation Relay Song-Zhou Cai,# Danhua Ge,# Li-Wen Sun, Weidong Rao, Xin Wang, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Xue-Qiang Chu* (# Equal contribution) Green Chemistry 2021, 23, 935-941 (曾入选ESI高被引论文). (2022影响因子: 9.8) 74. Palladium-Catalyzed Defluorinative Alkynylation of Polyfluoroalkyl Ketones with Alkynes for the Synthesis of Fluorinated Fused Furans Xue-Qiang Chu,* Man-Ling Zhi, Si-Xuan Zhang, Ya-Wen Wang, Weidong Rao, Haiyan Xu, and Zhi-Liang Shen* Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2021, 8, 572-578 (2022影响因子: 5.4) 73. An efficient synthesis of 4,5-diaryl-3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-one via a cesium carbonate-promoted direct condensation of 1-aryl-2-propanone with 1,1'-(arylmethylene)diurea Yi-Cong Guo, Xuan-Di Song, Wei Deng, Weidong Rao, Haiyan Xu,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* RSC Advances 2020, 10, 30062-30068. (2022影响因子: 3.9) 72.Xuan-Di Song, Xiang-Rui Li, Ya-Wen Wang, Xue-Qiang Chu, Weidong Rao, Haiyan Xu, Guo-Zhi Han,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2020, 7, 2703-2709. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 71. Synthesis of Polycyclic Furan and Chromene Derivatives via Cascade Reactions Enabled by Cleavage of Multiple C(sp3)-F Bonds Ting Xie, Chen Zhang, Si-Xuan Zhang, Weidong Rao, Haiyan Xu, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Xue-Qiang Chu* Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2020, 362, 4736-4743. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 70. Copper(II)-Mediated Ring Opening/Alkynylation of Tertiary Cyclopropanols by Using Non-Modified Terminal Alkynes Bu-Qing Cheng, Si-Xuan Zhang, Yan-Ying Cui, Xue-Qiang Chu, Weidong Rao, Haiyan Xu, Guo-Zhi Han,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Organic Letters 2020, 22, 5456-5461. (2022影响因子: 5.2) 69. Synthesis of Di(hetero)aryl Sulfides by Defluorinative Sulfenylation of Polyfluoroalkyl Ketones with Sodium Sulfinates or Arylsulfonyl Chlorides Xue-Qiang Chu,* Ting Xie, Ya-Wen Wang, Xiang-Rui Li, Weidong Rao, Haiyan Xu, and Zhi-Liang Shen* Chemical Communications 2020, 56, 8699-8702. (2022影响因子: 4.9) 68. Bismuth trichloride-catalyzed oxy-Michael addition of water and alcohol to α,β-unsaturated ketones Zhen Wu, Xue-Xin Feng, Qing-Dong Wang, Jin-Jin Yun, Weidong Rao, Jin-Ming Yang,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Chinese Chemical Letters 2020, 31, 1297-1300. (2022影响因子: 9.1) 67. Selective Quadruple C(sp3)-F Functionalization of Polyfluoroalkyl Ketones Ting Xie,# Guo-Qiang Wang,# Ya-Wen Wang, Weidong Rao, Haiyan Xu, Shuhua Li,* Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Xue-Qiang Chu* (# Equal contribution) iScience 2020, 23, 101259. (2022影响因子: 5.8) 66. Selective C(sp3)-H Functionalization of Alkyl Esters with N-/S-/O-Nucleophiles Using Perfluoroalkyl Iodide as Oxidant Shi-Wen Zhao, Song-Zhou Cai, Mao-Lin Wang, Weidong Rao, Haiyan Xu, Lei Zhang, Xue-Qiang Chu,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2020, 362, 3388-3394. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 65. An efficient Bi/NH4I-mediated addition reaction for the highly diastereoselective synthesis of homoallylic alcohols in aqueous media Zhen Wu, Xue-Xin Feng, Qing-Dong Wang, Xuan-Yu Liu, Weidong Rao, Jin-Ming Yang,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Chinese Chemical Letters 2020, 31, 391-395. (2022影响因子: 9.1) 64. Iron(0)-mediated Reformatsky Reaction for the Synthesis of β-Hydroxyl Carbonyl Compounds Xuan-Yu Liu,# Xiang-Rui Li,# Chen Zhang, Xue-Qiang Chu, Weidong Rao, Teck-Peng Loh,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* (# Equal contribution) Organic Letters 2019, 21, 5873-5878. (2022影响因子: 5.2) 63. Chemo- and Regioselective Ring Construction Driven by Visible-Light Photoredox Catalysis: An Access to Modular Fluoroalkylated Oxazolidines Featuring a Quaternary Stereogenic Center Xue-Qiang Chu, Danhua Ge, Mao-Lin Wang, Weidong Rao, Teck-Peng Loh,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2019, 361, 4082-4090. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 62. Regioselective (Hetero)aryl C-H Thianthrenation and Late-stage Transformations Xue-Qiang Chu, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Teck-Peng Loh* Chem 2019, 5, 1025-1027 (Preview). (2022影响因子: 23.5) 61. Iron-Mediated Highly Diastereoselective Allylation of Carbonyl Compounds with Cyclic Allylic Halides Xuan-Yu Liu,# Bu-Qing Cheng,# Yi-Cong Guo, Xue-Qiang Chu, Weidong Rao, Teck-Peng Loh,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* (# Equal contribution) Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2019, 6, 1581–1586. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 60. Lead-Mediated Highly Diastereoselective Allylation of Aldehydes with Cyclic Allylic Halides Bu-Qing Cheng, Shi-Wen Zhao, Xuan-Di Song, Xue-Qiang Chu, Weidong Rao, Teck-Peng Loh,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2019, 84, 5348–5356. (2022影响因子: 3.6) 59. Preparation of Alkyl Indium Reagents by Iodine-Catalyzed Direct Indium Insertion and Their Applications in Cross-Coupling Reactions Man-Ling Zhi,# Bing-Zhi Chen,# Wei Deng, Xue-Qiang Chu, Teck-Peng Loh,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* (# Equal contribution) The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2019, 84, 3017-3023. (2022影响因子: 3.6) 58. Oxidant-Directed Chemoselective Sulfonylation and Sulfonyloximation of Alkenes via Cleaving C-S Bond in TosMIC Xue-Qiang Chu, Danhua Ge, Teck-Peng Loh* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2019, 6, 835-840. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 57. Metallic Salt-Catalyzed Direct Indium Insertion into Alkyl Iodides and Their Applications in Cross-Coupling Reactions Bing-Zhi Chen, Chuang-Xin Wang, Zhen-Hua Jing, Xue-Qiang Chu, Teck-Peng Loh,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2019, 6, 313-318. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 56. Copper(II)-catalyzed Preparation of Alkylindium Compounds and Applications in Cross-Coupling Reactions both in Aqueous Media Peng Wang,* Bing-Zhi Chen, Yi-Cong Guo, Weidong Rao, and Zhi-Liang Shen* Tetrahedron Letters 2019, 60, 151288. (2022影响因子: 1.8) 55. Cesium Carbonate-Catalyzed Indium Insertion into Alkyl Iodides and Their Synthetic Utilities in Cross-Coupling Reactions Xue-Xin Feng, Zhen Wu, Qing-Dong Wang, Bing-Zhi Chen, Weidong Rao, Jin-Ming Yang,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2019, 33, e5110. (2022影响因子: 3.9) 54. Cobalt(II)-catalyzed preparation of alkylindium reagents and applications in cross-coupling with aryl halides Peng Wang,* Xuan-Di Song, Bing-Zhi Chen, Weidong Rao, and Zhi-Liang Shen* Catalysis Communications 2019, 132, 105824. (2022影响因子: 3.7) 53. Bismuth-Mediated Diastereoselective Allylation Reaction of Carbonyl Compounds with Cyclic Allylic Halides or Cinnamyl Halide Xuan-Yu Liu, Bu-Qing Cheng, Yi-Cong Guo, Xue-Qiang Chu, Yong-Xin Li, Teck-Peng Loh,* and Zhi-Liang Shen* Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2019, 361, 542-549. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 52. Chromium(III)-Catalyzed Addition of Water and Alcohol to α,β-Unsaturated Ketones for The Synthesis of β-Hydroxyl and β-Alkoxyl Ketones in Aqueous Media Jin-Jin Yun, Xuan-Yu Liu, Wei Deng, Xue-Qiang Chu, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Teck-Peng Loh* The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2018, 83, 10898–10907. (2022影响因子: 3.6) 51. Visible Light-Mediated Trifluoromethylation of Fluorinated Alkenes via C–F Bond Cleavage Liu-Hai Wu, Jun-Kee Cheng, Liang Shen, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Teck-Peng Loh* Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2018, 360, 3894-3899. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 50. Indium(III)-catalyzed Hydration and Hydroalkoxylation of α,β-Unsaturated Ketones in Aqueous Media Jin-Jin Yun, Man-Ling Zhi, Wen-Xiao Shi, Xue-Qiang Chu, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Teck-Peng Loh* Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2018, 360, 2632-2637. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 49. Combining Fluoroalkylation and Defluorination to Enable Formal [3+2+1] Heteroannulation by Using Visible-Light Photoredox Organocatalysis Xue-Qiang Chu, Ting Xie, Lin Li, Danhua Ge, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Teck-Peng Loh* Organic Letters 2018, 20, 2749–2752. (2022影响因子: 5.2) 48. Synthesis of Alkyl Indium Reagents by Using Unactivated Alkyl Chlorides and Their Applications in Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions with Aryl Halides Bing-Zhi Chen, Man-Ling Zhi, Chuang-Xin Wang, Xue-Qiang Chu, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Teck-Peng Loh* Organic Letters 2018, 20, 1902–1905 (highlighted by Organic Chemistry Portal). (2022影响因子: 5.2) 47. Copper-catalyzed Three-component Cyclization of Amidines, Styrenes, and Fluoroalkyl Halides for the Synthesis of Modular Fluoroalkylated Pyrimidines Xue-Qiang Chu, Bu-Qing Cheng, Yao-Wei Zhang, Danhua Ge, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Teck-Peng Loh* Chemical Communications 2018, 54, 2615-2618 (highlighted by X-MOL). (2022影响因子: 4.9) 46. Recent Advances in Radical-Initiated C(sp3)–H Bond Oxidative Functionalization of Alkyl Nitriles Xue-Qiang Chu, Danhua Ge, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Teck-Peng Loh* ACS Catalysis 2018, 8, 258–271 (ACS Editors' Choice; 曾入选ESI高被引论文). (2022影响因子: 12.9) 45. In(III)-TMSBr-Catalyzed Cascade Reaction of Diarylalkynes with Acrylates for The Synthesis of Aryldihydronaphthalene Derivatives Qiu-Chi Zhang, Wen-Wei Zhang, Liang Shen, Zhi-Liang Shen, and Teck-Peng Loh* Molecules 2018, 23, 979. (2022影响因子: 4.6) 44. Polycyclic Heteroaromatic Ring Construction Driven by Silver/Cobalt Co-Catalyzed Desulfonylative and Defluorinative Fragment-Recombination of Enol Nonaflates with Amidines Ting Xie, Yao-Wei Zhang, Lin Li, Danhua Ge, Zhi-Liang Shen, Teck-Peng Loh,* and Xue-Qiang Chu*. Chemical Communications 2018, 54, 12722–12725. (2022影响因子: 4.9) 43. Lewis Acid-catalyzed Selective [2+2]-Cycloaddition and Dearomatizing Cascade Reaction of Aryl Alkynes with Acrylates Liang Shen, Kai Zhao, Kazuki Doitomi, Rakesh Ganguly, Yong-Xin Li, Zhi-Liang Shen,* Hajime Hirao, and Teck-Peng Loh*. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2017, 139, 13570-13578 (highlighted by Organic Chemistry Portal and X-MOL). (2022影响因子: 15.0) 42. Copper-catalyzed Trifluoromethylation of Styrene Derivatives with CF3SO2Na Liu-Hai Wu, Kai Zhao, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Teck-Peng Loh*. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2017, 4, 1872-1875. (2022影响因子: 5.4) 41. Transition Metal-catalyzed Cross-coupling Reactions Using Organoindium Reagents Kai Zhao, Liang Shen, Zhi-Liang Shen,* and Teck-Peng Loh* Chemical Society Reviews 2017, 46, 586-602. (2022影响因子: 46.2) 40. Polyfunctional Lithium, Magnesium, and Zinc Alkenyl Reagents as Building Blocks for the Synthesis of Complex Heterocycles Zhi-Liang Shen,# Vasudevan Dhayalan,# Andreas D. Benischke,# Robert Greiner, Konstantin Karaghiosoff, Peter Mayer, and Paul Knochel* (# Equal contribution) Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016, 55, 5332-5336 (highlighted in Synfacts, 2016, 12, 680). (2022影响因子: 16.6) 39. C60-Catalyzed Preparation of Aryl and Heteroaryl Magnesium and Zinc Reagents using Mg/LiCl Zhi-Liang Shen, and Paul Knochel* ACS Catalysis 2015, 5, 2324−2328. (2022影响因子: 12.9) 38. Stereoselective Preparation of Polyfunctional Alkenylindium(III) Halides and Their Cross-Coupling with Unsaturated Halides Zhi-Liang Shen and Paul Knochel* Chemistry-A European Journal 2015, 21, 7061-7065. (2022影响因子: 4.3) 37. Expedient Preparation of Aryllithium and Arylzinc Reagents from Aryl Chlorides Using Lithium 4,4-Di-tert-Butylbiphenylide and Zinc(II) Chloride Zhi-Liang Shen, Korbinian Sommer, and Paul Knochel* Synthesis 2015, 47, 2617-2630. (2022影响因子: 2.6) 36. Highly Diastereoselective Preparation of Aldol Products Using New Functionalized Allylic Aluminum Reagents Zhi-Liang Shen, Zhihua Peng, Chun-Ming Yang, Julian Helberg, Peter Mayer, Ilan Marek, and Paul Knochel* Organic Letters 2014, 16, 956–959. (2022影响因子: 5.2) 35. Preparation of Functionalized Organoindium Reagents via Magnesium Insertion to Organic Halides in the Presence of InCl3 at Room Temperature Sebastian Bernhardt,# Zhi-Liang Shen,# and Paul Knochel* (# Equal contribution) Chemistry-A European Journal 2013, 19, 828-833. (2022影响因子: 4.3) (VIP paper; highlighted as frontispiece; also highlighted in ChemViews Magazine). 34. Organoindium Reagents: the Preparation and Application in Organic Synthesis Zhi-Liang Shen, Shun-Yi Wang, Yew-Keong Chok, Yun-He Xu, and Teck-Peng Loh* Chemical Reviews 2013, 113, 271-401 (invited review). (2022影响因子: 62.1) 33. Application of Recyclable Ionic Liquid-Supported Imidazolidinone Catalyst in Enantioselective Diels-Alder Reaction Zhi-Liang Shen,# Hao-Lun Cheong,# Yin-Chang Lai, Wan-Yi Loo, and Teck-Peng Loh* (# Equal contribution) Green Chemistry 2012, 14, 2626-2630. (2022影响因子: 9.8) 32. Synthesis of 3-Oxaterpenoids and Its Application in the Total Synthesis of (±)-Moluccanic Acid Methyl Ester Bin Li, Yin-Chang Lai, Yu-Jun Zhao, Yiu-Hang Wong, Zhi-Liang Shen and Teck-Peng Loh* Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012, 51, 10619-10623. (2022影响因子: 16.6) 31. Synthesis and Application of Recyclable Ionic Liquid-Supported Imidazolidinone Catalyst in Enantioselective 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Zhi-Liang Shen,# Kau Kiat Kelvin Goh,# Colin Hong An Wong, Wan-Yi Loo, Yong-Sheng Yang, Jun Lu, and Teck-Peng Loh* (# Equal contribution) Chemical Communications 2012, 48, 5856-5858. (2022影响因子: 4.9) 30. I-MCR-Ullmann cascade toward furo[2,3-b]indole scaffold Xu Zhu, Xiao-Ping Xu,* Chang Sun, Tao Chen, Zhi-Liang Shen, and Shun-Jun Ji* Tetrahedron 2011, 67, 6375-6381. (2022影响因子: 2.1) 29. Microwave-Assisted Michael Addition of Diethyl Malonate with Ferrocenyl Substituted Chalcones Under Solvent-Free Conditions Zhi-Liang Shen, Da-Gong Gu, Jin-Ming Yang, Shun-Jun Ji* Synthetic Communications 2011, 41, 851–857. (2022影响因子: 2.1) 28. Direct Synthesis of Ester-containing Indium Homoenolate and Its Application in Palladium-catalyzed Cross-coupling with Aryl Halide Zhi-Liang Shen, Kelvin Kau Kiat Goh, Colin Hong An Wong, Yong-Sheng Yang, Yin-Chang Lai, Hao-Lun Cheong, and Teck-Peng Loh* Chemical Communications 2011, 47, 4778-4780. (2022影响因子: 4.9) 27. Palladium-catalyzed Cross-coupling of Indium Homoenolates with Aryl Halides with Wide Functional Group Compatibility Zhi-Liang Shen, Yin-Chang Lai, Colin Hong An Wong, Kelvin Kau Kiat Goh, Yong-Sheng Yang, Hao-Lun Cheong, and Teck-Peng Loh* Organic Letters 2011, 13, 422-425. (2022影响因子: 5.2) 26. Direct Synthesis of Water-Tolerant Alkyl Indium Reagents and Their Application in Palladium-Catalyzed Couplings with Aryl Halides Zhi-Liang Shen, Kau Kiat Kelvin Goh, Yong-Sheng Yang, Yin-Chang Lai, Colin Hong An Wong, Hao-Lun Cheong, Teck-Peng Loh* Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2011, 50, 511-514 (Highlighted in Noteworthy Chemistry of ACS, 2011, February 14). (2022影响因子: 16.6) 25. Synthesis of Water-Tolerant Indium Homoenolate in Aqueous Media and Its Application in the Synthesis of 1,4-Dicarbonyl Compounds via Palladium-Catalyzed Coupling with Acid Chloride Zhi-Liang Shen, Kau Kiat Kelvin Goh, Hao-Lun Cheong, Colin Hong An Wong, Yin-Chang Lai, Yong-Sheng Yang, and Teck-Peng Loh* Journal of the American Chemical Society2010, 132, 15852-15855 (highlighted by Synfacts, 2011, 2, 200). (2022影响因子: 15.0) 24. Enantioselective Cationic Polyene Cyclization vs Enantioselective Intramolecular Carbonyl−Ene Reaction Yu-Jun Zhao, Bin Li, Li-Jun Serena Tan, Zhi-Liang Shen, and Teck-Peng Loh* Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010, 132, 10242–10244. (2022影响因子: 15.0) 23. Brönsted Base-Catalyzed One-Pot Three-Component Biginelli-Type Reaction: An Efficient Synthesis of 4,5,6-Triaryl-3,4-Dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-one and Mechanistic Study Zhi-Liang Shen, Xiao-Ping Xu, and Shun-Jun Ji* The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2010, 75, 1162–1167. (2022影响因子: 3.6) 22. Ionic Liquid [bmim]BF4 as an Efficient and Recyclable Reaction Medium for the Synthesis of O-Acetyl Cyanohydrin via One-Pot Condensation of Aldehyde, TMSCN, and Ac2O Zhi-Liang Shen, and Shun-Jun Ji* Synthetic Communications 2009, 39, 808–818. (2022影响因子: 2.1) 21. Alkali Salt of L-Proline as an Efficient and Practical Catalyst for the Cyanosilylation of a Wide Variety of Carbonyl Compounds Under Solvent-Free Conditions Zhi-Liang Shen, and Shun-Jun Ji* Synthetic Communications 2009, 39, 775–791. (2022影响因子: 2.1) 20. Efficient Synthesis of Ferrocenylcyclohexenone Under Solvent-Free Conditions Zhi-Liang Shen, Wei-Juan Zhou, Jin-Ming Yang, and Shun-Jun Ji* Synthetic Communications 2009, 39, 3924–3933. (2022影响因子: 2.1) 19. Zn/InCl3-Mediated Pinacol Cross-Coupling Reactions of Aldehydes with α,β-Unsaturated Ketones in Aqueous Media Yong-Sheng Yang, Zhi-Liang Shen, and Teck-Peng Loh* Organic Letters 2009, 11, 2213. (2022影响因子: 5.2) 18.Indium (Zinc)-Copper-Mediated Barbier-Type Alkylation Reaction of Nitrones in Water: Synthesis of Amines and Hydroxylamines Yong-Sheng Yang, Zhi-Liang Shen, and Teck-Peng Loh* Organic Letters 2009, 11, 1209 (highlighted by Synfacts, 2009, 6, 657). (2022影响因子: 5.2) 17. Indium-Copper-Mediated Conjugate Addition of unactivated Alkyl Ialide toα,β-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds in Water Zhi-Liang Shen, Hao-Lun Cheong and Teck-Peng Loh* Tetrahedron Letters 2009, 50, 1051. (2022影响因子: 1.8) 16. One-Pot Chemoenzymatic Syntheses of Enantiomerically-Enriched O-Acetyl Cyanohydrins from Aldehydes in Ionic Liquid Zhi-Liang Shen, Wei-Juan Zhou, Ya-Ting Liu, Shun-Jun Ji* and Teck-Peng Loh* Green Chemistry 2008, 10, 283-286. (2022影响因子: 9.8) 15. Indium-Silver- and Zinc-Silver-Mediated Barbier-Grignard-Type Alkylation Reaction of Imines by Using Unactivated Alkyl Halides in Aqueous Media Zhi-Liang Shen, Hao-Lun Cheong and Teck-Peng Loh* Chemistry-A European Journal 2008, 14, 1875-1880. (2022影响因子: 4.3) 14. Indium-Copper and Indium-Silver Mediated Barbier-Grignard-Type Alkylation Reaction of Aldehydes Using Unactivated Alkyl Halides in Water Zhi-Liang Shen, Yan-Lin Yeo and Teck-Peng Loh* The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2008, 73, 3922-3924 (highlighted by Synfacts 2008, 3, 861). (2022影响因子: 3.6) 13. Indium(III) Iodide-Mediated Strecker Reaction in Water: an Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Approach for the Synthesis of α-Aminonitrile via a Three-Component Condensation Zhi-Liang Shen, Shun-Jun Ji* and Teck-Peng Loh* Tetrahedron 2008, 64, 8159-8163. (2022影响因子: 2.1) 12. Indium-Copper-Mediated Barbier-Grignard-Type Alkylation Reaction of Imines in Aqueous Media Zhi-Liang Shen and Teck-Peng Loh* Organic Letters 2007, 9, 5413-5416 (highlighted by Synfacts, 2008, 3, 296). (2022影响因子: 5.2) 11. An Efficient Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Substituted 3-Cyanopyridine Derivatives under Ultrasound Irradiation Wei-Juan Zhou, Shun-Jun Ji* and Zhi-Liang Shen Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2006, 691, 1356-1360 (highlighted by Synfacts, 2006, 8, 772). (2022影响因子: 2.3) 10. An Efficient and Environmentally-Friendly Approach to the Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Substituted 1, 5-Diketone Compounds under Solvent-Free Condition Zhi-Liang Shen, Shun-Jun Ji* and Wei-Juan Zhou Synthetic Communications 2005, 35, 1903–1909. (2022影响因子: 2.1) 9. Ultrasound-Promoted Alkynylation of Ethynylbenzene to Ketones under Solvent-Free Condition Shun-Jun Ji,* Zhi-Liang Shen, Da-Gong Gu and Xiao-Ying Huang Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 2005, 12, 161-163. (2022影响因子: 8.4) 8. Ultrasound-Irradiated Michael Addition of Amines to Ferrocenylenones under Solvent-Free and Catalyst-Free Conditions at Room Temperature Jin-Ming Yang, Shun-Jun Ji,* Da-Gong Gu, Zhi-Liang Shen and Shun-Yi Wang Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2005, 690, 2989-2995. (2022影响因子: 2.3) 7. A Novel Base-Promoted Synthesis of β-Indolylketones via a Three-Component Condensation under Ultrasonic Irradiation Zhi-Liang Shen, Shun-Jun Ji,* Shun-Yi Wang and Xiao-Fei Zeng Tetrahedron 2005, 61, 10552-10558. (2022影响因子: 2.1) 6. Ionic Liquid [omim]PF6 as an Efficient and Recyclable Reaction Media for the Cyanosilylation of Aldehydes without Lewis Acid or Any Special Activation Zhi-Liang Shen, Shun-Jun Ji* and Teck-Peng Loh* Tetrahedron Letters 2005, 46, 3137-3139. (2022影响因子: 1.8) 5. An Environmentally Friendly Procedure for Mukaiyama Aldol and Mukaiyama–Michael Reactions Using a Catalytic Amount of DBU under Solvent- and Metal-Free Conditions Zhi-Liang Shen, Shun-Jun Ji* and Teck-Peng Loh* Tetrahedron Letters 2005, 46, 507-508. (2022影响因子: 1.8) 4. Facile Synthesis of 1-Aryl-5-ferrocenyl-penta-1,4-dien-3-ones under Ultrasound Irradiation or Solvent-free Condition Wei-Juan Zhou, Shun-Jun Ji,* and Zhi-Liang Shen Chinese Journal of Synthetic Chemistry 2004, 12, 421-424. 3. An Efficient Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Substituted 1,5-Diketone and Cyclic α,β-Unsaturated Ketones under Ultrasound Irradiation Shun-Jun Ji,* Zhi-Liang Shen, Da-Gong Gu and Shun-Yi Wang Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2004, 689, 1843-1848. (2022影响因子: 2.3) 2. Facile synthesis of ferrocenylenones in free solvent at room temperature Shun-Jun Ji,* Shun-Yi Wang, Zhi-Liang Shen, and Min-Feng Zhou Chinese Chemical Letters 2003, 14, 1246-1248. (2022影响因子: 9.1) 1. Aldol condensation of acetylferrocene under ultrasound Shun-Jun Ji,* Zhi-Liang Shen, and Shun-Yi Wang Chinese Chemical Letters 2003, 14, 663-666. (2022影响因子: 9.1)