任小明,博士,教授,博士生导师。2000年9月,南京大学配位化学研究所,获理学博士学位;2000年10月至2002年5月,南京大学电子科学与工程系博士后;2002年5月至2003年11月,Research Fellow in Max-Planck Institute for Solids, Stuttgart, Germany; 2003年11月至2005年12月,JSPS researcher in Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University, Japan。2005年12底回国,2006年7月,南京工业大学理学院教授(2014年理学院更名美高梅mgm1888公司官网),2007年1月获博士研究生导师资格。2010年12月加入南京工业大学材料化学工程国家重点实验室。
1. Y. Qian,* S. Nishihara,* X. M. Ren* et al., Near room temperature transformations in redox-active and superionic conducting ion-plastic crystals. Chem. Mater. 2024, 36, 1273−1278.
2. Z. Yu. Liu, H. B. Luo,* X. M. Ren* et al., Functionalization of cluster-nodes in metal-organic frame-work for light-manipulating proton conduction. ACS Mater. Lett. 2024, 6, 461−465.
3. X. W. Pan, Lu Zhai,* X. M. Ren* et al., Thermotropic structure phase transitions and two types of thermochromic behaviors in a bromoargentate cluster [Pr-dabco]2Ag4Br6. Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63, 2640−2646.
4. G. J. Yuan,* X. M. Ren* et al., Supramolecular crystal of Mn(15-Crown-5)(MnCl4)(DMF) with dielectric phase transition, high quantum yield and phase transition-induced luminescence enhancement behavior. Dalton Trans. 2024, 53, 2687–2695.
5. F. J. Zhao, H. B. Luo,* X. M. Ren* et al., Acidified nitrogen self-doped porous carbon with superprotonic conduction for applications in solid-state proton battery. Small 2023, 2305765.
6. H. Zhang, J. Zhang,* X. M. Ren* et al., Flame retardant benzimidazole-linked covalent organic framework as organic solution sponge for acceleration of Li+-ion migration in solid-state electrolyte. J. Mater. Chem. C 2023, 11, 14336−14343.
7. H. Dong, Q. Qiao,* X. M. Ren* et al., A freezing-tolerant superior proton conductive hydrogel comprised of sulfonated poly(ether-ether-ketone) and poly(vinyl-alcohol) as quasi-solid-state electrolyte in proton battery. J. Mater. Chem. C 2023, 11, 13113–13119.
8. L. Xu, W. H. Ning,* X. M. Ren* et al., Insight into understanding the inverse isotopic effect in a one-dimensional spin-Peierls-type molecular solid. J. Phys. Chem. C 2023, 127, 19850−19856.
9. X. T. Dong, G. Peng,* X. M. Ren* et al., Single molecule magnet feature in luminescent lanthanide coordination polymers with heptacoordinate Dy/Yb(III) ions as nodes. Dalton Trans. 2023, 52, 12686–12694.
10. X.W. Pan, L. Zhai,* X. M. Ren* et al., Organic-inorganic haloargentate hybrids of [Me-dabco]Ag2X3 (X = I or Br) with halide ion manipulating crystal structure, phase transition and dielectric behavior, Dalton Trans. 2023, 52, 9472–9481.
11. F. R. Lin, H. B. Luo,* X. M. Ren* et al., Proton conductive thin films of metal organic framework for impedance detection of formic acid, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 2023, 360, 112722.
12. Y. R. Kong, H. B. Luo,* X. M. Ren* et al., Phase transition and Ionic conduction enhancement induced by co-doping equimolar amount of LiI and MnI2 in one-dimensional lead iodide perovskite, Chem. Commun. 2023, 59, 8436–8439.
13. L. Xu, Y. Qian,* X. M. Ren* et al., Thermochromism of rapid response to temperature change versus mechanochromism in a Ni-dithiolene complex salt, Dalton Trans. 2023, 52, 8918–8926.
14. Q.Q. Li, J. Zhang,* X. M. Ren* et al., A {Cu2I3-}¥ chain hybrid with two-step phase transition, switchable dielectrics, thermochromism and piezochromism, Dalton Trans. 2023, 52, 5514–5522.
15. Q. Yang, G. Peng,* X. M. Ren* et al., Two organic-inorganic manganese(II) halide hybrids showing compelling photo- and mechanoluminescence as well as rewritable anticounterfeiting printing, Inorg. Chem. 2023, 62, 5791–5798.
16. W. W. Yao, Y. Qian,* X. M. Ren* et al., Structural, magnetic and phase transition properties in S = ½ radical solid solutions of [FxCl1-x-BzPy][Ni(mnt)2] (x = 0.07-0.87), Inorg. Chem. Front. 2023, 10, 2325–2334.
17. Z.R. Feng, Q. Qiao,* X. M. Ren* et al., Dielectrics and possible ferroelectricity in diol/glycerol covalently grafted Kaolinites, Dalton Trans. 2023, 52, 1089–1095.
18. Z. H. Li, Z. Y. Yao,* Y. Zou,* X. M. Ren* et al., Decavanadate-type polyoxometalate anions encapsulated in MIL-100 framework with enhanced mixed ion-electron conduction and potential application as cathode materials for lithium ion battery, ACS Appl. Eng. Mater. 2022, 1, 350–358.
19. Q. Ren, H. B. Luo,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Metal-organic framework-derived N-doped porous carbon for fast proton conduction above 100 °C’, Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 20057−20063.
20. J. Zhang, H. B. Luo,* S. Q. Zang,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Superprotonic conduction of acidified benzimidazole-linked covlent organic framework’, ACS Materials Lett. 2022, 4, 2597−2603.
21. D. S. Shao, H. B. Luo,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Tunable thermotropic phase transition triggering huge dielectric response and superionic conduction in lead halide perovskites’, Inorg. Chem. Front. 2022, 9, 5653–5662.
22. C. Xue, S. Nishihara,* X. M. Ren,* T. Nakamura,* et al., ‘Inorganic chain mediated excitonic properties in one-dimensional lead halide perovskites’, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022, 13, 7405-7412.
23. Y. X. Xie, G. J. Yuan,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Two-step thermotropic phase transition and dielectric relaxation in 1D supramolecular lead iodide perovskite [NH4@18-crown ether]PbI3’, Dalton Trans. 2022, 51, 15158–15165.
24. D. S. Shao, Y. Qian,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Insight into understanding magnetic transition quite sensitive to nonmagnetic impurity in a one-dimensional S = ½ regular linear chain system’, Inorg. Chem. Front. 2022, 9, 3709–3718.
25. Y. Qian,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Formation of organic ion cocrystals, phase transition and ion conduction’, CrystEngComm 2022, 24, 3962–3971.
26. Y. Qian,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Magnetic bistable organic ionic plastic crystal with room temperature ion conductivity comparable to NASICON and superionic conduction in a broad temperature window’, Mater. Chem. Front. 2022, 6, 793–801.
27. Q. Qiao,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Freezing-tolerant hydrogel comprised of biocompatible polymers featuring excellent stretchability and high proton conduction’, ACS Appl. Polymer Mater. 2022, 4, 1466−1474.
28. Y. R. Kong, H. B. Luo,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Microwave-assisted rapid synthesis of nanoscale MOF-303 for hydrogel composites with superior proton conduction at ambient-humidity conditions’, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2021, 4, 14681−14688.
29. M. Liu, H. B. Luo,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Thin films of an ultra-stable Metal-Organic Framework for formic acid sensing with high selectivity and excellent reproducibility’, ACS Materials Lett. 2021, 3, 1746−1751.
30. W. W. Yao, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘A semiconductive nature of bis(dithiolato)nickelate radical salt exhibiting broadband photoconduction’, Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 15659− 15666.
31. Y. Qian, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Two on-going magnetic transitions originating respectively from spin-Peierls dimerization and cation orientation transformation in an S = ½ spin chain system’, J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125, 17493−17500.
32. J. Zhang, H. B. Luo,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Efficiently boosting moisture-retention capacity of porous superprotonic conducting MOF-802 at ambient humidity via forming hydrogel composite strategy’, ACS. Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 37231−37238.
33. L. Zhai, X. M. Ren,* Q. Xu,* ‘Carbogenic π-conjugated domains as the origin of afterglow emissions in carbon dot-based organic composite films’, Mater. Chem. Front. 2021, 5, 4272–4279.
34. Q. Qiao, X. Z. Wang,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Improving proton conduction of Prussian blue analogue Cu3[Co(CN)6]2·nH2O at low humidity by forming hydrogel composite’, Inorg. Chem. Front. 2021, 8, 2305–2314.
35. G. Q. Zhang, Y. Zou,* Z. F. Tian,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘An open framework chalcogenide of (H3O)KCu6Ge2S8·nH2O exhibiting high mixed proton-electron conduction’, J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125, 7034−7043.
36. J. Zhang, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Multi-step structural phase transitions with novel symmetry breaking and inverse symmetry breaking characteristics in a [Ag4I6]2- cluster hybrid crystal’, Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 462−465.
37. G. J. Yuan, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘A rotor-like supramolecular assembly, {[K(18-crown-6)]PbI3}∞, with a reversible breaking-symmetry phase transition near room temperature’, Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 980−983.
38. Q. Qiao, X. Z. Wang,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Glowing kaolinite intercalated with N-methyl imidazole and Eu3+/Tb3+ salts and potential application in UV-to-red light conversion’, Appl. Clay Sci. 2020, 186, 105473.
39. G. J. Yuan, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘A new kinetically preferred polymorph of 1-(4-cyano- benzyl)pyridinium bis(maleonitriledithiolato)nickelate with spin-Peierls type transition’, Cryst. Growth & Des. 2020, 20, 1829−1837.
40. H Yang, T. Cheng,* W. A. Goddard III,* X. M. Ren*, ‘Design of a one-dimensional stacked spin Peierls system with room temperature switching from QM predictions’, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 6432−6437.
41. Z. Y. Yao, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Order–disorder transformation of intercalated cations triggering huge negative thermal expansion, switchable dielectrics and ion conduction near room temperature in a 2D vanadium oxide hybrid’, J. Mater. Chem. C 2019, 7, 13243−13252.
42. Z. Y. Yao, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘CsCl-type inorganic cluster-based high-symmetry crystal built from {Mo4.55V7.45PO40}10.45- with high ratio of vanadium to molybdenum and {(H2O)0.3@K6(H2O)12}6+ clusters exhibiting proton conduction below the freezing point of water’, Dalton Trans. 2019, 48, 48, 17210−17216.
43. Q. Ren, H. B. Luo,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Design and preparation of superior proton conductor by confining tetraethylenepentamine in pores of ZIF-8 to induce further adsorption of water and carbon dioxide’, Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 14693−14700.
44. C. Xue, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Two-step structure phase transition, dielectric anomalies and thermochromic luminescence behavior in a direct bandgap 2D corrugated layer lead chloride hybrid of [(CH3)4N]4Pb3Cl10’, Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 5280–5287.
45. Q. Ren, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Design and preparation of superior proton conductor by confining tetraethylenepentamine in pores of ZIF-8 to induce further adsorption of water and carbon dioxide’, Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 14693−14700.
46. L. Zhai, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘High quantum yield pure blue emission and fast proton conduction from an indium−metal−organic framework’, Dalton Trans. 2019, 48, 12088–12095.
47. X. S. Wu, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Comprehensively understanding the steric hindrance effect on coordination sphere of Pb2+ ion and photophysical natures of two luminescent Pb(II)-coordination polymers’, Dalton Trans. 2019, 48, 13841–13849.
48. X. R. Chen, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘A wide magnetic thermal-hysteresis (~55 K) above room temperature coupled to an inverse symmetry breaking phase transition in an S = ½ spin chain molecule crystal’, J. Phys. Chem. B 2018, 122, 12428−12435.
49. J. Zhang, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Extra water- and acid-stable MOF-801 with high proton conductivity and its composite membrane for proton exchange membrane’, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 28656−28663.
50. H. B. Luo, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘An open-framework chalcogenide showing both intrinsic anhydrous and water-assisted high proton conductivity’, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 2619–2627.
51. C. Xue, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Extra thermo- and water-stable one-dimensional organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite [N-methyldabconium]PbI3 showing switchable dielectrics, conductivity and bright yellow-green emission’, Chem. Commun. 2018, 54, 4321−4324.
52. L. Zhai, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Dual-emission and thermochromic luminescence alkaline earth metal coordination polymers and their blend films with polyvinylidene fluoride for detecting nitrobenzene vapor’, J. Mater. Chem. C 2018, 6, 7030−7041.
53. L. Zhai, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Comprehensively understanding isomorphism and photoluminescent nature of two–dimensional coordination polymers of Cd(II) and Mn(II) with 1,1'-ethynebenzene- 3,3',5,5'-tetracarboxylic ligand’, Inorg. Chem. 2018, 57, 4171−4180.
54. J. Y. He, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Phosphorescence emission and fine structure observed respectively at ambient condition and ca. 55 K in a coordination polymer of lead(II)-thiophene- dicarboxylate’, Dalton Trans. 2018, 47, 9334–9340.
55. S. X. Liu, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Dual-emissions and thermochromic luminescence of isomorphic chiral twofold interpenetrated 3-D nets built from I1O2 type hybrid inorganic-organic frameworks of [NH2(CH3)2]3[Pb2X3(BDC)2] (X = Br, I)’, Dalton Trans. 2018, 47, 14233−14240.
56. X. S. Wu, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Metal ion coordination enhancing quantum efficiency of ligand phosphorescence in a double-stranded helical chain coordination polymer of Pb2+ with nicotinic acid’, Dalton Trans. 2018, 47, 14636−14643.
57. G. J. Yuan,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘An organometallic half-sandwich supramolecular complex {K(18-Crown-6)(hn-C6H5B(C6H5)3)} (n = 1-6) exhibiting reversible breaking symmetry phase transition and switchable dielectric behaviour’, Dalton Trans. 2018, 47, 16835–16839.
58. X. Chen, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Novel isomorphism of two hexagonal non-centrosymmetric hybrid crystals of M(en)3Ag2I4 (M = transition metal Mn2+ or main-group metal Mg2+; en = ethylenediamine)’, CrystEngComm 2018, 20, 356–361.
59. Q. Qiao, X. M. Ren,* et al., ‘Design and preparation of hybrid ferroelectric material through ethyleneglycol covalently grafted to Kaolinite’, Inorg. Chem. Front. 2017, 4, 1405–1412.
60. H. B. Luo, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Both dielectrics and conductance anomalies in an open-framework cobalt phosphate’, Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 13998−14004.
61. H. B. Luo, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Proton conductance of a superior water-stable metal-organic framework and its composite membrane with polyvinylidene fluoride’, Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 4169−4175.
62. M. Wang, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘An open-framework manganese(II) phosphite and its composite membrane with polyvinylidene fluoride exhibiting intrinsic water-assisted proton conductance’, Dalton Trans. 2017, 46, 7904–7910.
63. X. Liu, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Intense greenish phosphorescence emission under ambient conditions in a two-dimensional lead(II) coordination polymer with a 1,1’-ethynebenzene-3,3’,5,5’- tetracarboxylate ligand’, Dalton Trans. 2017, 46, 7953−7959.
64. X. Chen, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Fluorite-type coordination compound as iodide ion conductor: crystal structure and ionic conductivity’, Dalton Trans. 2017, 46, 12916–12922.
65. L. Zhai, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Unprecedented (4,6)-connected net with mixed−valence M2IIMIII trinuclear and M6II hexanuclear clusters (M = Ni, Co): syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties’, Cryst. Growth Des. 2017, 17, 5263−5268.
66. M. J. Wang, X. R. Chen,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Phase transition, dielectrics, single-ion conductance and thermochromic luminescence of inorganic–organic hybrid of [triethylpropylammonium][PbI3]’, Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 9525−9534.
67. H. B. Luo, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Robust crystalline hybrid solid with multiple channels showing high anhydrous proton conductivity and a wide performing temperature’, Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 1663−1667.
68. T. Y. Chen, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Fabrication of homogeneous, integrated and compact film of organic-inorganic hybrid Ni(en)3Ag2I4 with intense near-infrared absorbance and semiconducting feature’, Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 1230−1235.
69. L. Zhai, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘A simple but efficient strategy for enhance hydrostability of intensely fluorescent Mg-based coordination polymer (CP) via forming composite of CP with hydrophobic PVDF’, Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 3372−3379.
70. H. B. Duan, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Two in one: Switchable ion conductivity and white light emission integrated in a multifunctional haloplumbate-based twin-chain hybrid crystal’, Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 4810−4818.
71. Y. W. You, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Three orders of magnitude enhancement of proton conductivity of porous coordination polymer by incorporating ion-pair into framework’, Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 7893−7899.
72. M. Wang, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Water assisted high proton conductance in a highly thermal and superior water-stable open-framework cobalt phosphate’, Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 19466−19472.
73. H. Y. Tang, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Fabrication of porous coordination polymer Co3[Co(CN)6]2 compact film and its vapochromic behavior’, Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 10249−10255.
74. L. Zhai, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Simultaneous observation of ligand-based fluorescence and phosphorescence within a magnesium-based MOF at room temperature’, Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 11935−11938.
75. H. R. Zhao, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘A two-dimensional inorganic-organic hybrid solid of manganese(II) hydrogenophosphate showing high proton conductivity at room temperature’, Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 8971–8975.
76. Y. B. Tong, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Insight into understanding novel dielectric behavior of a Zn-MOF using variable-temperature crystal structures, electrical conductance and solid-state 13C NMR spectra’, Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 11716−11726.
77. W. H. Ning, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Observation of multiple structural transformations coupled with switchable magnetic and dielectric responses in an amphidynamic crystal’, J. Mater. Chem. C 2015, 3, 7906−7915.
78. C. Xiao, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Integrated, highly crystalline and water stable coordination framework film on various substrates and water-assisted protonic conductivity’, Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 7947−7949.
79. W. H. Ning, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Crystal structures, magnetic and dielectric features of two new isostructural one-dimensional platinum-bis-dithiolene molecular solids’, Synth. Met. 2015, 199. 255–262.
80. X. P. Li, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Investigation of structure and ionic conductivity for intercalated kaolinites with potassium acetate in hydrous and anhydrous phases’, Dalton Trans. 2015, 44, 4665−4670.
81. L. Zhai, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Luminescent lanthanide-MOFs with millisecond order lifetime based on conjugated 1,1'-ethynebenzene-3,3',5,5'-tetracarboxylate ligand: syntheses, structures and photoluminescent properties’, Dalton Trans. 2015, 44, 5746−5754.
82. Y. Bo Tong, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘An amphidynamic inorganic-organic hybrid crystal of bromoplumbate with 1,5-bis(1-methylimidazolium)pentane exhibiting multi-functionality of dielectric anomaly and temperature-dependent dual band emissions’, Dalton Trans. 2015, 44, 17850–17858.
83. X. Sun, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Crystal structures, magnetic and dielectric properties of two new two-dimensional bis(2-thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolato)nickelate complexes’, Synth. Met. 2015, 209, 112−118.
84. P. C. Guo, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Guest-dependent thermochromic feature in metal-organic framework and its thin film on different supports’, J. Mater. Chem. A 2014, 2, 13698–13704.
85. W. H. Ning, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Two segregated columnar stack platinum-bis-dithiolene molecule solids showing spin-Peierls-type transition above room temperature’, Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 2997–3004.
86. Q. Qiao, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Intercalated supramolecular compounds of kaolinite with ethanolamine and ethylene glycol: structures and dielectric properties’, Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 5427–5434.
87. X. R. Chen, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Observation of hysteretic magnetic phase transitions coupled with orientation motion of ions and dielectric relaxation in a one-dimensional nickel-bis-dithiolene molecule solid’, Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 6251–6261.
88. W. H. Ning, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘One-dimensional molecular solid [I-BzPy-d5][Pt(mnt)2] (I-BzPy-d5+ = 1-N-(4-iodobenzyl)pyridinium-d5, mnt2- = maleonitriledithiolate): synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic property and variable-temperature infrared spectra’, Synth. Met. 2014, 191, 161-167.
89. P. C. Guo, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Detection of host-guest interactions in clathrates of heterocyclic molecules adsorbed in a porous MOF with Cu2 cluster nodes via vibration spectra and magnetic properties’, Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 6720–6727.
90. H. Yang, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Experimental and theoretical investigation of magnetic and photoconductive natures for a novel two-dimensional mixed-valence bis(2-thioxo- 1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolato)nickelate molecule solid’, Inorg. Chem. Front. 2014, 1, 426–433.
91. G. J. Yuan, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Precisely tunable magnetic phase transition temperature, TC, through formation of molecule alloy in [NixPt1-x(mnt)2]-based spin systems (mnt2- = maleonitriledithiolate, x = 0.09-0.91)’, Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 11908–11914.
92. X. R. Chen, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Ion-pair charge-transfer salts [NMe3Et][Ni(dmit)x(mnt)2-x]: dithiolate ligand dependent crystal structures and magnetic features’, CrystEngComm 2014, 16, 8717–8725.
93. C. Xue, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Crystalline phase selections of coordination polymers with formula of [Cd(N-methylimidazole)2(H2O)x(glutarate)]×nH2O (x = 0 or 1; n = 0 or 4) and distinct dielectric properties through crystallization temperature’, CrystEngComm 2014, 16, 9857–9865.
94. H. B. Duan, S. M. Zhou, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Disorder-order transformation and significant dislocation motion cooperating with a surprisingly large hysteretic magnetic transition in a nickel-bisdithiolene spin system’, Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 3870–3877.
95. G. J. Yuan, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Influence of isotope substitution on lattice and spin-Peierls-type transition features in one-dimensional nickel bis-dithiolene spin systems’, Chem.-Asian J. 2013, 8, 611-622.
96. P. C. Guo, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Comparative study of structures, thermal stabilities and dielectric properties for a ferroelectric MOF [Sr(μ-BDC)(DMF)]∞ with its solvent-free framework’, Dalton Trans. 2013, 42, 6603-6610.
97. S. S. Yu, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Observation of intramolecular vibrations cooperating with the magnetic phase transition in a nickel-bis-dithiolene compound’, Dalton Trans. 2013, 42, 3827-3834.
98. Q. Chen, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘A rhombus channel metal-organic framework comprised of Sr2+ and thiophene-2,5-dicarboxylic acid exhibiting novel dielectric bistability’, CrystEngComm 2013, 15, 1264-1270.
99. W. B. Pei, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Observation of metal ion dependent packing structures and magnetic behaviors of metal-bis-1, 2-dithiolene complexes’, Dalton Trans. 2012, 41, 2667–2676.
100. W. B. Pei, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Observation of divergent isotope effects as well as metal ion-modulated TC and spin-canting nature in isostructural supramolecular magnets’, Dalton Trans. 2012, 41, 7609–7619.
101. W. B. Pei, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Crystalline phase selections in a [Pt(mnt)2]− ion-pair compound using solvents’, Cryst. Growth Des. 2012, 12, 2419−2426.
102. S. P. Zhao, Y. N. Lu,* X. M. Ren* et al., ‘A facile and efficient strategy for the design of ferroelectric and giant dielectric hybrids via intercalating polar molecules into noncentrosymmetric layered inorganic compounds’, J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 447–453.
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104. H. B. Duan, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘A low-dimensional molecular spin system with two steps of magnetic transitions and liquid crystal property’, Dalton Trans. 2011, 40, 3622–3630.
105. H. B. Duan, X. M. Ren* et al., ‘Inorganic–organic hybrid compounds based on face-sharing octahedral [PbI3]¥ chains: self-assemblies, crystal structures, and ferroelectric, photoluminescence properties’, Dalton Trans. 2011, 40, 1672–1683.
106. S. P. Zhao, X. M. Ren*, ‘Toward design of multiple-property inorganic–organic hybrid compounds based on face-sharing octahedral iodoplumbate chains’, Dalton Trans. 2011, 40, 8261–8272.
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